Cengizhan Durmuş

Cengizhan Durmuş

Software Developer

How to reach me 📮


Güngören / İstanbul

İzmit / Kocaeli

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I graduated from the Department of Information Systems Engineering at Kocaeli University in the year 2023. During my university education, I developed projects in Deep Learning, Embedded Systems, Frontend and Backend web development.

Currently, I am continuing to develop projects, focusing on both Frontend and Backend web development.

What I Doing ?

Frontend Development

I focus on perfecting the web experience by designing user-friendly and aesthetic designs. I add value to projects with technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, BootStrap.

Web Development

All kinds of web applications with databases such as webshops, administrative apps, and more.

UI Development

I can develop responsive, user-friendly, impressive websites by converting Figma designs into code.